A patented new technology to destruct the Mixed solid waste, we have a patented solution named Eco Bean Machine. This machine will work with principal of plasma technology “Magnetic Waste Destruction”. This machine requires initial ignition of electrical heaters and there after once the system is on plasma the eco bean machine does not require any power, fuel or any other material to destruct the waste. The cycle time for each batch will be four hours. The system can work 24/7 with out any power to destruct the waste material.
- ECO BEAN machine is specially designed for Municipal Mixed solid waste like household waste, plastic, rubber, cardboards, oil-soaked wastes.
- Heat generated by the magnetism built into the ECO BEAN system forms plasma. When mixed with a small amount of oxygen, the system begins an oxidative destruction process which disconnects the intermolecular bonds of the waste materials, decomposing them into ash by by a ratio of 1/200 to 1/300 times.
- MAKEIN INDIA product with Polllution Control Board Approval and without any emssions of hazaedous gas, now odour, final product ASH can be effectively used for construction purpose.