The product allows users to recharge mobile, DTH and other services (associated with BBPS - Bharath Bill Payment System), which would be introduced in due course in India, from GCC countries through a mobile application using a wallet concept. The ENDUSER will be able to load money into his “cloud wallet”, in his local currency, using a scratch coupon and will be able to recharge phones and other services, which are in use in India, from his own phone through the mobile app.
The project is envisaged to have the following features;
Online recharge - MVP ready and launched
Advertisements - MVP ready
Loyalty points - Under development
Money transfer - Under reasearch
What is MOTS?
MOTS – Mojgenie Online Teaching System, is the most versatile, effective, secure, interactive and user friendly digital platform for online LIVE teaching & learning.
What are the features of MOTS Enterprise / Institution?
MOTS Enterprise is the answer to “How to run an academic institute on a virtual platform?”. Almost every academic aspect of an institute is automated here.
What makes MOTS better than similar platforms?