VedAtma Consulting is a Student Career Counselling company focused on helping students choose their best fit educational and career streams aligned with their unique natural potential. We work with students from 9th grade onwards till graduate level. VedAtma is currently head quartered in Cochin.
Our entire process is geared towards identifying the unique natural potential of the student and related best-fit career implications through highly personalised counselling using world-class psychometric assessments.
VedAtma Processs:
- First Step is for the student to take two online world-class career assessments - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) & Strong Interest Inventory.
- This is followed by 3 counselling sessions (2 hours each - done on 3 separate days):
- MBTI Counselling Session (for understanding Personality) - can be done on our online platform
- Strong Counselling Session (for understanding Career Interests) - can be done on our online platform
- FInal Counselling Session (for understanding Aptitude, Discovering Unique Natural Potential, and Reccomending best-suited course/career options.