1. Design and engineering of Amphibious / Temporary floating buildings - Amphibious buildings are temporary floating structures that are designed to float only when the water levels rise. Under normal conditions, amphibious buildings stay on land which crosses out the disadvantage of living above the ground on statically elevated houses (house on posts) or living on permanent-floating structures. Floating buildings are permanently floating on the water, while amphibious floats only when it floods.
2. Flood modelling and Simulation - The flood simulation process will be done using Geographic Information System (GIS) software and flood modelling software. Flood models can be used to identify flood-prone areas and guide our people to take necessary flood prevention measures.
3. Design, engineering and development of Floating Wetlands Treatment System including planned restoration and eco-friendly water rejuvenation process - A buoyant foundation or a man-made floating bed of natural/artificial materials that allow macrophytic plants to grow in water to help retrieve excess nutrients from it.