EventPlanO (www.eventplano.com) is a product of Apziant Technologies.
EventPlanO is an online marketplace for Wedding Vendors and Wedding Customers. Being a unique concept in the Wedding Industry of Kerala, EventPlanO is drawing a lot of attention from the wedding vendors all over Kerala and Malayali Wedding Customers all over the world.
EventPlanO aims to span across the entire spectrum of Kerala wedding market which includes Wedding Vendors, Wedding Shopping and Matrimony to become the market leader in the largely untapped online wedding market of Kerala. A majority of the categories of wedding services in Kerala are unorganized and highly fragmented, presenting a potential opportunity for an organized aggregator like EventPlanO to provide these services.
For a Wedding customer, EventPlanO is a one-stop-shop for all the event needs – find the perfect venue, an excellent photographer, a quintessential makeup artist, and so on. For a Wedding Vendor, EventPlanO is a right platform to promote their business online and to get quality business leads.
EventPlanO currently has the largest network of local wedding vendors in Kerala with presence in all 14 districts.