Brick-and-mortar retailers have the opportunity to reap the same benefits of personalization that e-tailers do, like repeat visits and impulse purchases, but they need to invest in the right technologies and techniques to do so because they currently don’t meet shoppers’ expectations.
Hawkr analyzes how physical retail’s personalization is being outperformed by e-commerce’s, and examines the value personalization holds for brick-and-mortar in particular.It’s a real time business by the merchant, which means a restaurant has only so many seats. And they have to sell every hour, every day. What they don’t know is what the demand is outside. Look at what Uber has done. It knew someone is looking for a cab, and someone has a cab. We will let both of them know of this data. We are building the exact same thing for businesses.
Hawkr has got a really powerful AI engine which assists users to do shopping hyperlocally for great values which was not possible before.