Iconograph from Animal Spirits Tech LLP is a 3D printer that is bound to disrupt the industry. Featuring a completely digital bed levelling technique , this 3D printer also packs a 5 inch tft screen and embedded linux
Linux kernel allows users to download and print objects directly and allows for wifi printing. It also has a print error detection that utilises machine learning .
Dynitik Tornado is conceived to be the most affordable , efficient and glamorous entry level consumer drone for professional cinematographers. It's built entirely on a proprietary flight controller system and uses in house PCB and Camera design.
The Tornado incorporates a 4K capable Sony IMX sensor and a powerful ARM embedded MCU for 4K processing and basic AI powered navigation. It's paired along with a revolutionary controller that offers real time data stream without the need for Internet availability. The Tornado features a world class GPS/GLONASS/IRNSS capable navigation system to assist the drone in automated point to point navigation.
It packs in all this wickedness inside it's small body weighing below 250 grams , thus essentialy a Nano class drone in nature. Tornado features an elite 3-Axis Gimbal for visuals without any noise or inherent vibration.Â