AI Powered Clinic management solution
Doctosmart’s clinical notes documentation feature allows you to input and store clinical information about patient encounters in your clinic. The clinical notes are based on the SOAP format (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan).
Clinic Reports
Do you ever feel like your clinic is running as well as it can but not as well as it should? With Doctosmart's clinic reports, there's no more guessing about what might be going wrong. You'll always know exactly where your clinic stands at a glance thanks to our real-time dashboard.
Ease of Use We're on a mission to make medical clinics paperless and we're making good progress. If you're looking for a way to make office work more efficient, Doctosmart is perfect for you!
Growth - You'll never outgrow Doctosmart because we're constantly innovating and coming up with new ways to make things easier.
Clinics That Scale
We're flexible enough to adapt to your clinic's needs over time whether you're just starting out or already operating on a large scale.
Keep It Running Our cloud infrastructure means you never need to worry about IT infrastructure costs or maintenance again just log in whenever youar