I C A R- Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode has developed a soil pH-based micronutrient mixtures for foliar application in ginger which guarantees 15 to 25% increase in yield, besides enhancing quality. An innate advantage of this mixtures is that they can also be used in organic agriculture which ensures safe and environment friendly farming.
The application is like below:
For one hectare, mix 3 kilo Gram of Ginger special in 600 liters of water and mix thoroughly before spraying.
first spray at 30-45 days after planting
repeat after every 45 days till 6th month,
Time: PREFERABLY Between 6.00-11.00 a.m. and 4.00 to 6.00 p.m.
To be sprayed alone, do not mix with any other plant protection chemicals (pesticides, fungicide etc.)