This pitch is for the first solar-powered multistage water pumping solution which uses a very small power of 50-watt panel to pump water to three-story buildings. This idea is patent pending which revolutionizes water pumping for our domestic use.
Sarovar is a multistage continuous solar power harnessing water pumping solution designed from domestic and rural water pumping that need up to 1000 - 2000 litres per day using a minimum wattage of 50 watts.
The water pumping solution which is available in the market used a minimum 1000 wattage panel and it is not suitable for domestic water pumping like pumping water from the sump to overhead tanks.
Our technology is a patent-pending solution, as of today we have not got any competition.
This solution has the potential for both Rural and urban water pumping. Sarovar has the potential of saving 1 unit/day of power from each individual house across India.