Difficulty in getting up from bed’ is one of the most common problems faced by paralyzed (hemiplegic, paraplegic and quadriplegic) patients. The available technologies like hydraulic bed, motorized backrest and fowler/semi fowler bed available in India are costly and are not affordable to the low income groups. In addition to this, many of these devices need a bystander to operate.
Creativiti Council with the support of TIMed – Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology’ under Nidhi Prayas is developing self-operated recliner for beds. The product is manually operated and extremely helpful to the bed ridden/elderly patients, paraplegic and hemiplegic patients for getting up from bed without the support of bystander. He can perform some basic activities like eating/drinking, reading, watching TV etc. by himself with the help of this backrest. This will enhance the self-esteem and self-confidence of the bed ridden patients and a relief for the bystanders.