DokVet proposes to transform animal care through an integrated “one-stop”e-health & e-commerce technology platform for delivering veterinary products and services, by improving -
- Accessibility: We aim to provide a technology platform for customers to search & choose the required products and services. This technology platform is connected to a Dokvet distribution network through exclusive or third party stores and service providers
- Affordability: The combination of virtual and physical service availability through a distributed network of stores and services improves the purchasing power, and thereby affordability of customers through the platform. The e-commerce platform shall enable lean logistic enabled direct to customer delivery from manufacturer for bulk feeds, which has significant last mile delivery costs not matching the low margins & storage overheads
- Last-mile delivery: The distributed network ensures last-mile delivery while special services not represented locally can be still accessed at affordable cost through virtual referral and scheduled pre-booked engagements and the required facilities.