From birth to age 5 a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life.
And early brain development has a lasting impact on a child’s ability to learn
and succeed in school and life. As per the reports 90% of the brain
development takes place in 0 – 5 years age and 85% of the brain development
happens within 3 years. But only a few children reach to the optimum
potential. The brain development depends on what a child ‘See’, ‘Receive’,
‘Perceive’ and ‘Experience’.
According to short survey 70% of the parents are not aware of the importance
of Brain Development in 0-5 years old. Only 2% of the balance 30% parents
uses brain development activities for their children.
Whizzkid is a complete learning development and parenting solutions for kids
of 0 – 5 years old and their parents. This consists of a Whizzkid activity box for
the child and a Whizzkid Mobile Application for the parents.
This report describes the business plan of Whizzkid, its financial viability,
emerging opportunities in the market etc.