The exploitation of farmers by middleman in monetary value. Currently the if the farmers sell the produce at 2 INR the customer might be getting the same at 50 INR and the 48 INR profit margin is taken up by the middle man. Lack of transparency and traceability in the food industry. As of now even though product do come with various certifications, you do not actually know where it comes from and the authenticity of the farming methods are questionable. We will also be handling logistics across the globe, we have devised the plan into different stages.
Product sales and platform commission. Â We have our own line of products which are pickles, organic tea, virgin coconut oil and saffron. We also earn commission from farmers on the sales that happens on our platform. We have around 70% profit margin on the products we sell. We will be charging 10% commission on the sale of products as well which are listed by farmers on our platform. There will be charges for logistics as well depending on the perishability and distance to be covered. We will be giving health orientation to the entire company.