A complete , comprehensive , logistic system that is created to ease hospital management and home based health monitoring system . conjoined scientific approach , bringing together the latest medical practitoner's finger tips . Designed by doctors and other health care professionals integrated Software and Hard ware flexible and Affordable packages for Hospitals . A simple HMS that is designed to function according to the hospital facility . Simple UI which makes it easily understandable for the end users and also it has paperless documentation Demand for well trained medical professionals further increasing health care costsÂ
* Inexplicable usage of hospital manpower in redundant medical practicesÂ
* Manually entry of clinical data and often subjected to errors
* Single payment and extra maintenance charges
* No remote access in emergency services
* Existing siloes in the health care world
*  Issue with  medical reimbursement
these are the problems mainly faced in medical fields
* It is  more Transparent in  both sides in case of patients as well as doctors
* Easily access the procedures by an single application
* Time consuming in case of emergency