Bumberry Diapers are a one size reusable cloth diaper (adjusts small-medium-large in the same diaper) with aborbent inserts choices in bamboo, polyester and hemp fibers. We need to change a diaper as per the diaper changing time guidelines mentioned in the product package. Though the one size diaper last till the baby crosses 3 years of age, the Bumberry diaper cover is preferred by mothers mostly as an excellent day time diapering option for babies under 1 year of age. The Bumberry wet free microfiber insert is an excellent option to be used along with Bumberry diaper cover as the insert has an additional layer of wetness protection that keeps the baby's bum dry, offering longer diapering time. umberry Pocket diapers is another great choice for any time diapering option. In 2019, we launched Bumberry Sleeper as a revolutionary absorbent diaper forheavy wetting babies. We alsolaunched bumberry seniors adult diapers in 2018.