Our unique prodcut is named RELEC (Renewable Energy Library of Esylys Cloud), which is a collection of mathematical models of several components in the electrical, thermal, hydraulic and mechanical domain. The numerical models can be assembled in any combination to simulate the physical system that represents the industry or technology in question. The cloud based solution will basically have components and systems. The components include mathematical models for electrical sub-systems like solar panels, transformers, lines, switches and other control systems. The thermal subcomponents include several heat transfer components, thermal insulators, walls etc. The hydraulic components include pipes, compressors, boilers, heat exchangers, valves, tanks and other control systems. The technology or innovation is analysed by assembling the component models to virtually mimic the system what the client is analysing. It could be widely used in the Chemical Industry, Pharma sector, Electrical and Electronics manufacturing sector and several other industries. Technology domain we are working on is Modelica and Python.