Free parking
Our moto is to provide free parking for the car owners wherever they go!! Because we belive that getting a free parking is their privilege or right. KOKO will ensure to setup smart parking facilities across the cities where our customers can park their vehicle safe and secure. The parking sapces with neat atmosphere and covered roofs will ensure mother like care for their vehicles. We also providing premium customers to book a parking and go, so that a dedicated parking slot will be reserved for their vehicle. KOKO will also provide add-on services like car wash, car disinfection, interiar cleaning etc in these parking area. These addon features are achieved using our mobile cleaning units who connects through the different KOKO parking spaces. To make the parking free for customer, we get the help of the nearby shops, which intern will come as a business for the shops who sponsered that parking slot. Because the car owners are considered as premium and protential customers who will respect the shops who offered them a clean and neat free parking. And shops can double their revenue by sponsoring the KOKO parking spaces.