Our solution is an All in One App comprising of Food Delivery, Grocery Delivery, Farm to Fork and Peer to Peer Services.
We intend to offer users a SUPER APP which would have the following
- Consumers-Hyper local Delivery system for Food and Grocery and for farmers produce through local auto-rickshaws and further options to book auto rickshaws for travel
- Auto rickshaws-Connect them to customers both for delivery and transport services
- Local stores and Restaurants-Additional business through Vipani and also get access to OEM’s produce directly on Vipani and get a better viable margin
- Farmers and Kudumbashree associations (this is the women Co-Operative in Kerala) -Enables them to sell their products by themselves and also reach to a larger audience with zero investment
This is a Super App for all the needs of Semi Urban locations.Our USP is to elevate the current network of service providers by providing them a platform of ease to do more business.