We are an O2O B2B2C mobile marketplace. We are innovating trade to revolutionize lifestyle. We are giving business the opportunity to collaborate with each other across their sectors and attract customers efficiently.
We have both iOS and Android interface for our users to access the business listings, transact and redeem their perks. Our business listings can access Allyyc web app to monitor their users and manage their co-brands & perks.
Key Innovations:
- "Co-brand with a purpose" initiative replaces the typical model of placing your brand name with another brand, which does not guarantee customers.
- Allyyc Co-branding give businesses high visibility & gain customers of the brands they co-brand with by offering perks.
- While a business co-brand with other businesses, it can also have its own set of co-brands.
- Users get guaranteed perks at each business listing they go through spread across sectors.
- Users can redeem their perks just by scanning Allyyc QR code displayed at the listing.
- User behavior data can further improve business collaboration and commerce trends