D Plus – is a Patient Management System, specifically designed to meet the requirements of Ayurvedic doctors. It is a giant step towards bringing Ayurvedic Community at par with Modern medicine and encouraging doctors to adopt scientific documentation.
It is an Android based application which can be installed in a laptop or downloaded in the mobile. It is a one stop shop for all the management needs of documentation and filing. Some of the features are, recording of patient history, tracking or fixing appointments and provision to upload investigative files of the patient. This makes it easy for making or accepting referrals from other doctors and transferring data without too much trouble to the patient. It also means that doctors have patient history at their fingertips at all times and can be consulted by the patient even if they are away from their hospital or clinic. The application will be loaded with a list of prescribed medicines. A special provision has been made for documenting the doctor’s diagnostic and treatment decisions. The future of D Plus is an addition of stock register and accounting software.