Nellikka is the first IT integrated waste management solution developped in Kerala, under the guidelines of Haritha Kerala Mission and Sujithwa mission. Our Tool help to track and make sure that all the local residence will cooperate with the system.Not cooperating residence data will be shared with ward councilors for retaining. Haritha Karma Sena attendance and performance to be monitored and assured prompt result. Accountability of user fee collection from the public and acknowledge with e-reciept . Systematic utilization of user fee collected to run the project and being monitored. Volume of waste collected, their segregation and resell is to be monitored. Work in progress to add ecommerse and other finantial service tool for generatining additional revenue for Haritha Karma Sena and maintaining their finantial stebility. we make sure that this team visited all the customers and waste is being collected. Biometric attendance marking for field staff through Nellikka staff timing and their performance. Collected waste will be picked by our vehicle and driver will update the same. make sure that material reach MCF / RRF with ot fail. Live monitor by LSGD.