Lifology works at various levels to design a unique personalized action plan for the average youngster, right from his high school years, so that he is able to make the right career decisions and secure a bright future in this competitive world. At a macro level, the right career would mean a better chance at success, job satisfaction and a sense of meaningfulness in life.
Lifology has created the first Guidance Eco-system in the world. The system consists of users, experts, education institutions, skill development experts, policy makers and coaches. The users can experience long term sustaining guidance through the eco-system. In product and process this is a novel approach in the domain of Guidance.
Lifology launched ‘Lifology Global Education Network (L-GEN) as an international network of schools. Each school in the network shall get access to an unique ‘Future Guidance Hub’. The access to the hub is through a mobile application. Clever usage of the latest technology such as Artificial Intelligence technology and Augmented Reality helps make the platform exciting, engaging and user-friendly for youngsters.