Obra Arte is an all-in-one Organisation, tailor-made to the needs of today’s aspiring filmmakers. Unlike many institutions, Who solely depend on theory with inadequate equipment and pre-historic facilities. Obra Arte provides an innovative idea where the students are exposed to the hands-on experience provided by the projects (Pre-production to Production to, Post-production to Promotion), which runs simultaneously in the same premises with the help of well-structured theories with practicals and services.
In Kerala an expected 5,73,355/- students pass out 12th-grade edu-cation out of which approximately 4- lakh don’t want to depend on the usual college life of which at least 150000/- wish to or want to pursue their dream of becoming a part of filmmaking. Obra Arte only requires 0.8% of the aspirants to join, each student is expected to pay 70,000/- per annum for six subjects Averaging 70000/-*200(students) =14,000,00/-.
Making a profit of at least one crore per annum.
From the production house which will be outsourced to various filmmakers and production crews In Kerala, an editing suit is rented out at anywhere from 500/- to 2000/- per hour which equates to an average of 5000/- per day. Therefore,15 lakh annually per suit approximately. Obra arte is supposed to house 5 editing suits and a dubbing room.