Amino Ag 30 is a specific fragments of proteins with amino acids, protein hydrolysates structures capable of enhancing nutrients efficiency. this improves the flowering and fruiting metabolisms in crops.
Humic acids biologically stimulate the plant and the activities of micro-organisms.Stimulate root growth, uptake of nutrients and proliferation of desirable micro-organisms in soil. Enhance plant’s natural resistance against disease and pest.
Agri Dolomite is high form of DOLOMITE a type of limestone, provides valuable nutrients like 80?lcium Carbonate, 12% MAGNESIUM to plants and helps change the pH of the soil by raising it to match the plants needs. Agri Dolomite maintain the soil ph to 6.5-7.5 for long period which enables more nutrient uptake to the plants.
MAXTONE GEL is an organic extract derived from nutrition marine contains humic, fulvic, vitamins, cytokines & seaweed and is mixed with water for basal application in soil or through drip irrigation. Especially designed for all kinds of seasonal crops/ cash crops. Supply well-balanced crop nutrients and help plants to endure environmental stress.
Nutri Meal Organic Fertilizer Mix provides nitrogen, phosphorus,potash, organic carbon etc. it contains Bone meal, Neam Cakes etc..
Organic Fertilizer provides bio enriched organic manure with nitrogen, phosphorus,potash, organic carbon which contains hormones that prevent diseases and promote growth. ‘PLT Nutrimix’ enriched with NPK solubilizing bacteria; it provides plants 6 to 16 kg of nitrogen from the atmosphere. Easily gives Phosphorus and potash from soil and fertilizer. Bio enriched organic manure including, Neem cake,Protein, Fat, Bio-phosphorous, Bio-Potash, Fulvic Acid, Humic, Seaweed,Amino Acid etc. It increases the health and immunity of both plants and soil. Yield increases by 30% to 35% with the use of PLT Nutrimix.
PLT Star Shine’ is a soil conditioner with seaweed extract and Humic being the main active ingredient. Especially designed for seasonal / cash crops. It Supplies well balanced crop nutrients. Helps plant to endure environmental stress.This formulation has been made by more than 22 components; it’s a complete package of nutrients, enzymes, auxins, and proteins.