Soil automotive monitoring system works with multiple micro-computers, strategically located in various panels with cloud server throughout the growing operation to give you a true expandable network of controls.
Soil automotive monitoring system securely monitor and control your greenhouse automation systems, equipment, and sensor data from any platform - desktop, tablet, or mobile.
Soil automotive monitoring system. It offers real-time readings in custom graphics programs, data collection, and graphs for all monitored conditions including:
Electric vehicles are fast becoming the vehicle of the future. But the lack of charging stations is a big drawback in proportion to the huge increase in electronic vehicles. People are refusing to enter the area because of the huge investment to start a charging station. Opulance technologies PVT LTD comes with a solution for this
We park our cars in many places and at that time we can also charge as many as two birds with one stone at a time. Even homeowners can easily avail of the low-cost ev-charging facility by setting up a charging station that saves us the hassle of charging long-distance travelers by providing us with extra space as well as the convenience of installing an extra facility. This facility will enable the current low-mileage EV vehicles to be used by the general public without the hassle of waiting for high-mileage vehicles.
Streetlight Controlling Automation system
Energy consumption in metropolitan cities is increasing day by day. Street lighting in all cities consumes a significant amount of electricity. Some areas of the city may have low passenger frequency, but it is observed that the amount of energy consumed by street lights in these areas is similar to that of areas with high-frequency passersby. As a result, a large amount of energy goes unused. Finding someone to switch the street lights on and off is also not very practical
That's where the relevance of the street light automation controlling system comes in. This controlling system is a micro-control-based switching system that can communicate using Wi-Fi or SIM card, real-time monitoring can be done using a mobile app, and street light switches on and off can be controlled from a mobile phone. It has multiple user logins so managers can check real-time status very easily Similarly real-time status can be shown through a web portal