Crimson Hack is an innovative way to learn technology. Our unique feateures are:
- Curriculums are prepared by people who has extensive experience in IT industry.
- Trainings will follow a project-based approach. Candidates will be doing scaled down versions of real-world projects once they learn enough theory to do it.
- Candidates will have access to Crimson Hack’s forums and knowledge bases after completing
the courses. They will also receive periodic newsletters about emerging technologies.
We have the following offerrings planned:
- Training on programming languages and frameworks – Offered to individual candidates.
- Training on programming languages and frameworks – Offered in bundle to IT organisations
- and educational institutions.
- Workshops on programming languages and frameworks – This will be of shorter duration (1
- or 2 days) and conducted in association with an IT organisation or educational institution.
- Forums and knowledge bases – Candidates will be receiving free access for 3 months. After
- this period, they need to pay to continue access to these services.
- Hiring assistance for Organisations – Aids IT organisations in hiring the right candidate.