We started TechSARIGA with a vision to become the leading provider of IT driven products and solutions to the music domain. We have launched our own proprietary platform for online music learning, with well differentiated features in September 2020. This has been integrated with a unique online music community and collaboration patform.
In Phase I, we have delivered a platform for comprhensive music learning with LIVE, Guided-offline and self learning models. We have developed a music pedagogy frame work tailored for online music learning. Our solution includes the platform, IT driven services centered on it & a unique music counsellor-led support mechanism. The platform is not only beneficial to the music students, but it offers multiple opportunities to freelance music tutors & musicians.
The music community & collaboration plaform integrated with the learning platform offers regular webevents, a library with many original content related to music to read, listen and view, discussion forum and a collaboration studio.
In Phase II, We plan to build AI driven features to the learning platform and a mobile application.