One of the biggest impediments to fact that we are progressing is the difference in energy demand and supply continues to grow into unacceptable levels. Electricity demand is expected to rise by 79 percent in the next 10 when 2/3rd of total greenhouse gas emission is from the energy sector. Conventional solutions to this great challenge were temporary and knee-jerk reactive measures which just buy the world some time and enjoyed limited success as the onus of energy conservation lies on the Government/industrial sector. What is vital for global energy stability is a real time practical and comprehensive energy management plan starting at the domestic level. BEEP is an enabler in its truest sense as it is applicable to any energy distribution pattern, it’s a standalone device which tackles this challenge in a whole new perspective by shifting the onus of energy conservation to the individual consumers by understanding their behavior and consumption pattern to provide accurate and useful data, enabling consumers to devise user friendly energy management solutions resulting in cost savings for themselves & energy savings for the society.