BornToImagine (BTI) is a platform born out of curiosity about the future of things. BTI is a platform developed to question the things that are and what it will be.
If we look at the progression of mankind, we came a long way from having bows in our hands to the age where we have mobile phones instead. This progression happened because we ideated and perfected the tools to make our lives easier. These ideas stem out from our thoughts when we are faced with difficulties or challenges. Until we are challenged by limitations of existing tools and technologies, we wont progress. Finding challenges and solving it is what BTI is all about.
The scooters/cars/phones or anything which we used in the 90’s is not the same we have now. We thought beyond it and here we are using better utility tools. This can be applied to any industry, any topic or anything. Thousands of entrepreneurs found challenges in existing systems and created a better tools & products. And this is not going to stop. It will continue till the time, time exists.
BTI limits the user in a way that they can only solve or challenge something. One can define a particular product, event, scenario and state the challenges related to it. Then invite others to solve the challenge and show a glimpse of what it will be in the future. Multiple users can post challenges and solutions and even solutions can be challenged many times over. The end product would be the future of things which we see taking shape in our minds.
Having stated that, BTI welcomes your imagination about the things around you, the changes you would like to see and most importantly, your idea of interaction with the world around you in the future.
BTI aims to become a knowledge sharing Social Media Platform where the community of users are either imagining the future or challenging the future.
Let us imagine for a brighter, better tomorrow.