Price of spices vary widely based on the active ingredients. Today price determination at trading centers is purely based on guess work or based on look and feel. Farmers are paid the minimum possible price as the buyers (traders) are not ready to take a risk. A scientific validation of the produce happens only when the produce reaches the premise of an industrial buyer, where the whole produce can get rejected if it doesn’t meet required quality levels. The lack of quality information at the trading/auction centers is also the major roadblock to programs like e-auctions which are designed to give better price for farmers. By solving this information asymmetry, we will be able to add tremendous value in the entire supply chain, especially to farmers who can get the optimal price and also reduce wastage due to rejections. Our handheld devices enabl reliable, quick, and cheap spectroscopic analysis of Agri products especially Spices. Our systems will help to determine quality and grade of Agri products and spices on the spot, thereby removing the ambiguity in pricing and helping the farmers to get the best possible price.