Seamoto Electric Engine is an electric outboard submersible propulsion unit which can run a boat on 100?ttery power. This is 100% non-pollutive and fully silent. This engine can be mounted as a stand alone unit on the back side of the boat and in all the existing boats can use this without changing the mounting plate of the boat. This is working on a 48V single Lithium Ion (LifePO4) battery pack in the re-chargable mode. In the 3HP unit, on a single charging , we can run the boat in full speed up to 2 hours continously. The chrging cost using KSEB line is just 15 rupees to charge 100%. We are spending only one fifth of the Petrol or Diesel price for the battery charging. Lithoium batteries are safe, long lasting and with higher power delivery. Ths can propell a boat with a weight of 250Kg and 4 passengers onboard. & HP and 10HP models are in development process and will be getting over by the end of January. Â