Our Rider App is as an Aggregator Service provider for Taxi (Car, Electric bike & Auto) ride, Courier, Delivery (Food & Grocery) and Utility Services (Electrician, Plumber, Road Assistance, Car wash, Laundry, etc).
We have developed our three Applications (User, Provider & Shop Owners) and are available in Play store and App Store. Currently we are doing the final testing and expected to launch our App in Kerala by the end of this month.
Our main attractions are as follows,
1. All Services in a Single App.
2. Multiple job oppurtunities for Providers.
3. We are offering 0% Service charge for the Utility services.
4. Low rates for the Users and high profit for the Providers.
We spent around 20Lakhs already in the development of our Application and for Promotion, Advertisement and Vehicle purchase, we are looking for the financial support from the KSUM side.