We M A R MOTORS PRIVATE LIMITED is an innovative company who carry on the business of buying, selling, Retail and wholesale trading, transporting, storing, promoting, marketing or supplying, servicing, dealing in any manner whatsoever in all types of goods like electric vehicle, electric scooters, Automobile vehicles and spareparts. While using the petroleum products in the vehicles there will cause severe economic and atmospheric problems. So we need to think of an alternative energy source, and that is the electricity. Using the electricity as a medium for transportation is one of the best solution to overcome from the above mentioned situations. Instead of depending on the petroleum products electrical energy can be used for the best purpose.
We M A R MOTORS PRIVATE LIMITED is an innovative company who carry on the business of buying, selling, Retail and wholesale trading, transporting, storing, promoting, marketing or supplying, servicing, dealing in any manner whatsoever in all types of goods like electric vehicle, electric scooters, Automobile vehicles and spareparts. While using the petroleum products in the vehicles there will cause severe economic and atmospheric problems. So we need to think of an alternative energy source, and that is the electricity. Using the electricity as a medium for transportation is one of the best solution to overcome from the above mentioned situations. Instead of depending on the petroleum products electrical energy can be used for the best purpose.