Kitchen waste is loaded in the top bin as small pieces and as layers. Up on which sufficient 'inoculum' is sprinkled. Care should be taken to reduce water content in green matters. Now stir the waste with a small stick to increase he level of oxygen in the device. Go on the loading, in the similar way until the first bin is filled. When the first bin is filled, place it at the bottom part and repeat the same in the second and third bin. When the third bin gets filled, he first bin might have decomposed The compost from the third bin is taken out and start loading as stated above. Compost dried under shade can be used as an inoculam in the next level of composting or can be applied to lants and vegetables. In 2 or 3 days normally, the tray will be filled with leachate, remove it and place back. It is "fine manure" to vegetable plants and others, when it is added with water 10-20 times.