IDA is the world’s most functional mechanical prosthetic hand that is capable of performing at least a fifth of what a Bionic hand can do at less than 1 percent the cost. Present solutions preclude the differently-abled at the bottom of the pyramid from living a more complete life. For instance, the ALIMCO hand, also known as ‘Kanpur Hand’, manufactured by our Central Government is non-functional to the extent that it can be used solely for cosmetic purposes. IDA brings fresh hope to the differently-abled in rural areas who are deprived of an opportunity to enjoy a normal life every human being deserves. IDA will empower the users to perform various activities of daily living such as holding a toothbrush and carrying a grocery bag thereby enhancing their quality of life. With our unique business model, we aim to make IDA available to the end user free of cost. This way the beneficiaries can enjoy high-end features without incurring any cost whatsoever. Hence, IDA is expected to drive massive social impact and generate a colossal social return on investment.