Intelligent Pigging is an inspection method in which an inspection probe also known as the smart pig is propelled through a pipeline for collecting important data such as presence and location of corrosion or other irregularities of pipe inner walls. It helps in cleaning pipelines by scrapping the sides of the pipe and removing dirt and debris as it travels through it. Along with cleaning, an intelligent pig is also capable of performing advanced inspection activities as they travel along the product flow through the pipe. It helps in inspecting for erosion-corrosion, pitting, weld anomalies, metal loss etc.
Our company specializes in manufacturing and operates high-resolution pipeline inline inspection tools which include:
· High-Resolution Axial MFL Tool
· High-Resolution Circumferential TFI Tool
· High-Resolution Multi-Channel Deformation (Caliper Tool)
· Combination Tools with Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)