Animal meat is not an efficient source of protein in terms of energy, land and water usage, and is also very unfriendly to the environment (GHG emissions). Long term consumption of meat, especially red meat, correlates with increase in health risks (cancer, several life style diseases, zoonotic diseases). Moreover, the industry scale animal farming follows several inhumane practices. There are also social costs related to animal meat, such as the usage of food grains to feed to livestock instead of humans, increased annual healthcare costs, protein deficiency in pregnant women and children due to cultural reasons that prevent them from eating animal meat, etc.
There is an increasing section of human population, called Flexitarians, who presently eat meat, but have at least one of the above concerns about eating animal meat, which are related to environment, health, society, and humanity.
Solution: "The Green Meat" will offer a plant-based meat analogue that mimics the taste, texture, and nutritional qualities of animal meat. This will provide a choice for people who are concerned about environmental and social sustainability, health, and cruelty to animals.