There are about six hours’ worth of intense sessions a day at Technical Conferences and Medical Conferences. By the end of the day, it is difficult for most people to recollect what was said in detail. All conferences now have a video recording of the sessions. We will need the copy of the video. We use this to get audio file split, and then the meetings are transcribed. Or else, the organisers can send us a good quality digital audio recording. The hard work starts after this. The raw transcripts are then edited and proof-read to a high degree. It is finally all collated together. After the finishing touches, it is sent to the client. We are focusing on transcribing General Conferences and Medical Conferences. This has to do with our ability to effectively transcribe the material discussed. We are at a crossroads with regards to this business. We have a younger generation who prefer to watch a technical video than read a lengthy report to learn.We also have technologies like speech-to-text. But this is counterbalanced by the fact that it is much easier to read a technical report. Also the speech-to-text technology is utterly hopeless against the myriad English accents in India. |