Revolutionizing Recruitment with TalentzQ TQ Network Private Ltd is a SaaS company which aims to solve recruitment challenges of organizations. Our flagship product, TalentzQ(, is meticulously crafted to transform traditional hiring processes or an organization by infusing automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and natural language processing (NLP). TalentzQ aims to enhance recruitment experience by automating tedious and time-consuming tasks, elevating decision-making capabilities through AI classification models and NLP integration. This strategic approach results in expeditious decision-making, enhanced outcomes, and increased compliance, all achieved with a substantial reduction in operational costs. Engineered as a multi-tenant application, TalentzQ seamlessly adapts to the unique processes of each organization, employing a hierarchy-aware role-based system at its core. TalentzQ targets pivotal aspects of a company's recruitment organization, enhancing four key experiences: Candidate Experience: Introducing "Career Website Automation," TalentzQ ensures accuracy, up-to-date information, and intuitive data capture on company career websites. Candidates receive timely feedback tailored to the specific job description. Streamlined Resume Ingestion: TalentzQ tackles the chaos of resume influx from various channels—career website, emails, employee referrals, external consultants—with built-in adapters. Resumes undergo automatic ingestion, malware checks, AI classification, and categorization for specific job descriptions, slashing compliance efforts by 90%. Efficient Resume Shortlisting: Revolutionizing the time-consuming process of resume shortlisting, TalentzQ assigns each resume a score based on candidate data and utilizes NLP to assess relevance to job descriptions. This innovative approach empowers resume short listers with matching scores, facilitating swift decision-making.