There is always a misconception that getting a government job in State PSC, SSC, Railway etc is a tedious task which needs minimum two year continuous preparation and effort. We developed the Lucid Perception method where students need to study a few contents and even below average students can easily study confusing subjects like Maths, Reasoning and English. Our freemium mobile application helps individuals to prepare government exams easily and last exam results showed that even 3 month old users got passed. We appointed Smt. Manju Warrier as our brand ambassador from April to reach more students. Now we are adding Soft Skills courses that benefits everyone. Within a year we got 5000+ paid users and 60,000+ active users. Our application has 4.9L+ downloads till now. Google India also partnered with us to enhance digital marketing campaigns. Our aim is to become a global job skills training platform and within 5 year we expect to serve 1million paid users from India & GCC