Virtual Queue system for Salons / Barber shops where customers can avail services from salons/barber shops by booking through this online virtual queue application
Consumer Apps
Business Models:
Web technologies
Registered Salon/Barbers
Registered Customers(who needs service from Salon/barber)
Non Registered Customers (who need service from salon/barber)
Virtual Booking System
Home Service System.
Use Case Description:
Registered barber/salon adds their services ( haircut, shaving, home service, facial , hair treatment etc) and the available timeslots to the system.
Customer who needs service search the system and identifies the shop and selects the service after verifying the price, rating and review comments on that salon/barber.
Customer books a timeslot available in the virtual queue system based on his preference.
Registered Barber/Salon selected by the customer will be notified about the booking and confirmation will be send back to the customer.
Customers who opted home service will be provided service based on the selected time slot / appointment.