The software product that is going to be developed by the company is a web based online video language conversion software.In today's world we watch a lot of videos for entertainment purposes,for learning,while working for job,during communication and many such purposes.Different videos belongs to different languages and are not easy to understand for everyone.
This is a probelem that many people are facing.In order to solve this probelem here the startup develops a web application software which converts the video to the required language as per the user's needs.
The software product that is going to be developed by the startup company is very unique.Because currently there are no accurate video language converting softwares available in the market.The startup aims in generating revenue through the online subscription method.The software can be used only for the registered users in the website.For the registered users several plans are introduced.The plans starts from basic plan with limited features along with several premium plans.At present there are no accurate video language converting softwares available in the market and it is an entirely new product.